
BioViewCCBS is a scanning platform that has been co-developed and completed with world-famous cancer research institutes.
BioViewCCBS makes it possible to quickly capture all cells inside the sample in 3D and to effortlessly find and analyze CTC inside
the sample with its automated processes.
Moreover, BioViewCCBS’ automated videos and analysis platform offer optimal solutions to both clinical research centers and
institutes to improve productivity and analytic and developmental procedures.


Highly efficient with quick 3D capturee

Offers analysis and multi-automated images of cells

Accurate analytic tools

Automated CTC detection

Bioview CCBS’s CTC imaging and analytic solution

For research use only. Not to be used for diagnostic procedures. ©2019 Clinomics Inc.
All trademarks are the property of Clinomics Inc.

BioView™ is a trademark of BioView Ltd